Nov 29 2022 WorkSafe BC Unit 4 WorkSafe Hazards See It, Think It, Do It
What unsafe conditions or acts are there? SEE IT
What could happen as a result of an unsafe act or condition? THINK IT
What must be done to eliminate or minimize the hazard? DO IT
Hazards exist in our life, including at work, home, school and at social events. We need to develop skills to be able to recognize, evaluate and control these hazards before injury occurs.
What potential hazards exist in a class setting or other classes in the school?
What hazards could be created in a class setting or other classes due to unsafe practices or poor safety procedures?
Hazard Picture Assessment - Review each picture - what are the hazards evident in each picture as linked.
On Board:
See It - (Recognize) What is unsafe?
Think It - (Evaluate) Why is it unsafe?
Do It - (Control) What must be done to make it safe?
Group Work Assignment. x 4 Groups
*Scenario 1 - we will do as a class. Art 1.
Each group will be assigned 2 scenarios to assess.
Groups are to complete 1 Scenario Worksheet for each scenario assigned. Total 2. Please ensure that you have a min of 2-3 bullets per section. All names of your group on your 2 worksheets to hand in.
Be prepped to present your answers to the class!
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